Letter 3867

Signature Missing to Hans Sloane – February 3, 1730/31

Item info

Date: February 3, 1730/31
Author: Signature Missing
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: f. 181

Original Page


Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Unnamed Duke
  • Description

    The Duke broke his legs and sustained injuries to his hands and other places. He is itchy at night. The Duke 'goes to Stool' once a day, but refuses to be purged. The author hopes the cold weather does not affect the Duke's condition.

  • Diagnosis

    Unspecified eruptions.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    Sloane prescribed an 'Electuary & sassafras tea', but neither agreed with the Duke. They caused stomach pain. The Duke took 'Elder berry water to take away the Pain'. The electuary used to purge the Duke in the past is not agreeing with him. The medicines Sloane prescribed the Duke last year agree with him. Other medicines taken by the Duke include '13 Grains of the Countess of Kents Powder, & one spoonful of Syrrup of Mulberrys, 2 spoonfulls of Piony water, 2 spoonfulls of Penny Royal Water, & 2 spoonfulls of black Cherry Water with some Powder of Crabs Eyes in it'.

    Ongoing Treatment:

    The author thinks the Duke's 'scorbutick humour' should be purged. Sloane's advice is solicited.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Unspecified, Humors, Skin ailments