Letter 4215

Johanna Sophie Forbenj to Hans Sloane – Octor 21 1734

Item info

Date: Octor 21 1734
Author: Johanna Sophie Forbenj
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4053
Folio: f. 291

Original Page


Forbenj thanks Sloane for his favours and will acknowledge it with her prayers to beseech God Almighty. She tells him about the destitute state she and her family are in and how they are in want of the necessities of life. She is labouring harder and sending her children be employed to provide for her husband and herself. Although she says the circumstances are disagreeable, she does not want to intrude upon Sloane’s goodness, but with tears in her eyes and an almost broken heart she begs for him to remember her husband and asks if it would be out of his power to help him in anyway to be able to provide his family with bread and water. She promises to be forever under his obligation and will owe their lives to him.

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