Letter 4421

Philip Peck to Hans Sloane – January 27, 1732

Item info

Date: January 27, 1732
Author: Philip Peck
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4052
Folio: ff. 60-61

Original Page


[fol. 60] Hond Sr The favr of yr kind visitt & advice having restored my health & the pleasure you take to promote the Interest of the Royall Society induces me to offer my service therein. by putting yr Honr in mind of the Scheme formerly proposed to raise ye Society a Fund of money to enable them to make further improvemt in natural knowledge The Objection then made to my proposal, was on Acct of ye Election at that time in Agitation, which being now adjusted, may remove that dificulty If therein; or any thing Else I can be serviceable to yr Honr & ye Society it will be a very great pleasure to Hond Sr Yr Mst Obedt hum Servt Ph: Peck Temple Exa Coffee house 27th. Janr. 1731.

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