Letter 0007

John Conyers to Hans Sloane – June 2, 1699

Item info

Date: June 2, 1699
Author: John Conyers
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4075
Folio: f. 25

Original Page


(f. 25) I have been from home two or three daies since I write to yu & received not yr letter till this morning during my absence my wife was much out of order & feaverish yesterday & this day she has been better, but I believe she may have taken some cold & has somewhat of a feaverish distemper upon her, for her illness returns every night about six or seven a clocke & then shee is taken with a paine in her necke burning & pricking in her feet & a paine in her head & it lasts so five or six hours she is pretty well all day till about that time & abroad a way to this [illeg] that time or somewhat later I believe it did not take her by an hour so soon to night as last night, whither you must give her any of the drinke or what you thinke proper I refer to you, but desire you to send me word to morrow morning, & if you order Mr Clapman he will send it to my chamber, & if she is not pretty well to morrow morning I will send up a man for it otherwise he may find it by my Clerke in ye Evening. before I read ye letter she had drinke some waine whey this morning but soon cast it up again having some oppression in her stomach, but after that was pretty well again & eat less dinner & so continued till about seven or eight when the fitt returned beginning with pricking pain & heat in her feet & legs & a paine in her necke & head & then her Temper feaverish as I have before mentioned.

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: Mrs. Mrs Conyers
    Gender: Female
  • Description
  • Diagnosis

    She has "taken cold" and he is worried she has contracted a "feverish distemper." She also pain and a pricking sensation in her neck and feet and pain in her head.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    Jesuit's powder; purging

    Ongoing Treatment:

    She drank some warm whey but then vomited it up. He wants to know if "lache" would be good for her.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Stomach, Pain, Headache, Colds, Fevers