Letter 0577

Étienne François Geoffroy to Hans Sloane – April 25, 1699

Item info

Date: April 25, 1699
Author: Étienne François Geoffroy
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Libary, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4037
Folio: ff. 258-259

Original Page


[fol. 258] Paris this 25 april 1699. n.st. Sir The Royal Academy (to whom the King has just now given a new form, and put it in a greater splendour than it was before) desiring to answer to the heroickal intentions that his Majesty has conceived to make flourishing in his Kingdom, with the Peace, the natural and mechanical knowledges: amongst all things that the Academy has intended for that purpose, it has thought one of the more necessary, to raise many correspondences not only in his Kingdom, but in many parts of the World. for that end it has desired every one of its members would give notice of the Learned men in other countries with which it could have some relations by theirs means. and for shewing the particular esteeme that it has of its correspondences, the Academy has ordered hi secretary would give to every one of them some notice of the pleasure that it receives from theirs correspondences, and of his obligation to them, if they are willing to perform the intertaining of this commerce with it. The Academy do reciprocally ingage us to impart these correspondents with all things done in his meetings worthy of being communicated. Mons’r Cassini and I understanding how great advantage should be to the Royal Academy the mutual commerce of Letters with you, we have proposed it to the Academy and promised to intertain it for our part, imparting you with all things worthy of notice in our meetings, viz. Mr Cassini concerning the mathematical & the Physical knowledges. We hope you will do the favour of requiting us, as we have bond it to the Academy. T’is for shewing to you the joy that has the Royal Academy of this relation with you, and for ingaging you in the continuation of it, that it has given us these Patentes subscribed by his secretary, and under his seal as an undoubted testimony of it. I am very glad to have that occasion to shew the gratitude that I conserve for your civilities to me. T’is yet but a very small proof of it considering my acknowledgement & your Kindnesses, but I hope the time will give me many other occasions to make appear more and more the zeal and the sincere affection with which I remain for ever Sir your most humble and most obedient servant Geoffroy [fol. 259] I have already made sensible to the Royal Academy the profitable advantage of your correspondence by the reading of several curious extracts of the Late Philosophical transactions that you sent me. I receive the favour that you are willing to do me of giving me the other transactions. I pray you do me the favour to give those of this year to Dr. Le feure which will send me at the first occasion; & in requital of them I will send you some other books and the memorial of the Royal Academy which will be printed in the end of every year. Mr Tournefort remembers his hearty services to you. pray sir to remember my most humble Duties to all of our friends of our acquaintance. I will acquaint Mr. Bourdelot concerning your catalogue

Etienne Francois Geoffroy (1672-1731) was an apothecary and physician who studied at Montpellier, like Sloane, and worked at the Jardin du Roi and College Royal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etienne_Francois_Geoffroy).

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