Letter 0828

James Cuninghame to Hans Sloane – February 12, 1702/03

Item info

Date: February 12, 1702/03
Author: James Cuninghame
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4039
Folio: ff. 85-86

Original Page


[fol. 85] Sr Chusan Febrie 12th. 1702/3. My last to you was in the Sarah-Galley, by the Sur- geon whereof I sent you a Book of dryd Plants: this comes in the Macclesfield-Galley with our friend Mr Corbet, by whom I send you & Mr Petiver a Box of Shells, which I had of Mr Henry Smith Supercargo to the Liampo Frigatt, who gathered them upon the Island of Pulo Verero in the Straits of Malaca; where likewise ad a piece of a Tree (which I send you) in splitting whereof or fireing were found these legible Characters DA BOA ORA which I take to be Portuguese importing Give us good luck In the foresaid Box theres for yourself a Chinese Common Prayer Book, which I procurd from the Bonzes at Pu-to, the Lords Prayer Belief & 10 Commandements translated into Chinese by the Jesuites, a description of Pu-to Chinese, & a Draft of the River of Ning-po done by a French Father who resides there; And a Collection of Butterflies for Mr Petiver. I likewise send betwixt you both a Book of Plants containing about 180 Speci- mens with duplicates, most part whereof are new & pretty well preservd, to the better part whereof I have affixd labells giving their descriptions (so farr as I had time & opportunitie to observe) some Tea seed wt a few others according to Turneforts methode, whereby they may be the more easilie reduced to their proper Tribes. And this is all I can serve you in at present, being bound for Pulo Condore, & perhaps after ward to Cochin-China, from whence in time ye may expect to have somewhat of the produce of these Climates: Desireing nothing more than to testifie upon all occasions how much I am Sir Your most obliged & most Humble Servant Ja: Cuninghame [Add.] Pulo Condore March 6 Since writing of the foregoing we have arrived safe at Pulo Condore which we find in pretty good condition only wanting more men; we have hopes of getting a Trade with Cochin-China whether I shall be sent to try the same, which succeeding will be a mean to introduce a trade with Japan, who want the commodities of that Country, such as Elephants Teeth Lignum Aloes &c. I am not able as yet to send you the produce of this Island, but in time you may expect it from Sr most Humble Servant Ja: Cuninghame If you direct for me at this Island, it will come safe to hand wherever I am

James Cuninghame (fl. 1698-1709) became a member of the Royal Society in 1699. He traveled the world as a trader and collected information, plant specimens, and curiosities until his death in 1709 (Gordon Goodwin, Cuninghame , James (fl. 16981709), rev. D. J. Mabberley, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Sept 2010 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/6922, accessed 24 June 2013]).

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