Letter 0900

Humfrey Wanley to Hans Sloane – February 16, 1703/04

Item info

Date: February 16, 1703/04
Author: Humfrey Wanley
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4039
Folio: f. 247

Original Page


[fol. 247] 16 Febr. 1703/4 Honor’d Sir, Had I not been troubled with a very terrible cold ever since this day sennight I should have waited on you & have told you that I read the Papers & took the minutes at Gresham Coll last week and left them all with Mr Hunt. I should also have sent you, before now, those few Papers which I told you of formerly, and could not find, till not long since. I beg that you would be pleas’d to accept of them as coming from a person who is sincerely devoted to your service, & is heartily sorry that he has no beter way of shewing what an Impression your many Favors & Kindnesses have made upon him, who shall always remaind with the utmost Respect Honor’d Sir, Your most obliged & faithful humble sevant Humfrey Wanley

Humfrey Wanley was an Old English scholar and librarian at Oxford. He was appointed assistant at the Bodleian Library in 1695 (Peter Heyworth, Wanley, Humfrey (16721726), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/28664, accessed 4 July 2013]).

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