Letter 1077

William Derham to Hans Sloane – August 30, 1706

Item info

Date: August 30, 1706
Author: William Derham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: ff. 212-213

Original Page


[fol. 213] Dear Sr Upminster Aug 39 1706 I intended to have waited on you the other day at Pontacks, but could not finish some business time enough that lay in my way, so as to get to you before you were gone thence. I read yours since yt, & will take speedy care to put your repairs at Orset in a way of dispatch, either by sending over the Bearer of this Lr my man (who is not known to Culverwell) to view the Repairsl or I would rather advise you to give me order to send some Carpenter over to view them, wch will cost you not above 3d for the mans days of work & Horse. Or, wch will be best of all, to come your self, & both see your Purchase, & give ex & wt state the Trees, Lands & Houses are in, & according- ly give your orders. Twill be but a days pleasant journey, & tis now admirable travelling. If you will appoint me any day next week, or wn else you please, I will be ready to wait on you. If you had rather I should find my Man, or some Carpenter, be pleased to write me, by this Messenger, a few wors to Culverwell for the Man to carry with him to let him know That he comes by your order, & to order him what Rafters he should provide, & what else you think fit. I beg the favour of your advice for my Wife, who about 8 days since unhappily went along with me to visit a sick person whose distemper proved to be the small pox, of wch she died. The Small Pox did not at all appear when my wife was with her, but the next day they came out, & soon after she died, wth purple spots on her, wch hath put my poor wife into a great consternation. Last night my wife had a violent pain about the Vertebrae of the Loins, wch hath increased her fears & mine too. But I am apt to hope yt these pains arose from a bad nights rest because they are much abated at my present writing. She hath also somewhat of a sore throat, & pain in her Head, wch pain in her head is her usual distemper, & doubtless muil [?] owing to want of rest. I desire your directions what she had best to do by way of preven- tion, or in case any symptoms of the Small Pox shouls farther arise wch will be a great addition to the many favours we have alrea- dy recd from you. My humble service to yr Lady. I am Sr Your much obliged & humble servant Wm Derham The affair of the Society if I should be remiss in, I should think I neglected a duty incumbent on me. I have 2 or 3 things all most ready for you, wch if you come you shall see the rough-draughts of & I hope they will not be unacceptable to you or to the Society. I beg the favour of you to lend me Childreys Baconica

Derham was a Church of England clergyman and a natural philosopher, interested in nature, mathematics, and philosophy. He frequently requested medical advice from Sloane, and likely served as a physician to his family and parishioners (Marja Smolenaars, “Derham, William (1657-1735)”, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/7528, accessed 7 June 2011]).

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Anna Derham
  • Description

    Anna commonly had headaches and may not contribute to the diagnosis.

  • Diagnosis

    Symptoms of smallpox after having visited a smallpox patient who died 8 days ago; violent pains in the vertebrae around her loins; sore throat; headaches.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:
    Ongoing Treatment:
  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Throat, Smallpox, Pain, Headache