Letter 1170

Arthur Charlett to Hans Sloane – November 1, 1707

Item info

Date: November 1, 1707
Author: Arthur Charlett
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4041
Folio: ff. 52-53

Original Page


[fol. 53] Univ. Coll 1 Nov. 1707. Worthy Sr After so long an Absence your letter brought back Again our Philosophical Pilgrim, much more chearfull, and much Improved and exacted in the Principles & Rules of his Contemplative Philosophy, a Very Ingenious Model + [?] young Lord being with me in my study, when He came [?] in, fell the Perversity of his maxims, of wch I leave Himself to be the Magnificent Relator. I had once thoughts of drinking a Dish of Chocolate with you having drank none since I saw you) The next Week, but I think now to deferre it to much the same [?] after Christmas. I shall have a small present of a Book speedily to beg your Acceptance from Deare Sr Yr Obedient humble Servant Ar Charlett Service to yr good Lady and all her [?]

Charlett was elected Master of University College at Oxford in 1692 and held that post until his death in 1722. Charlett used the mastership to gain influence, especially through persistent letter-writing to numerous correspondents, sharing the latest literary, political, and scholarly gossip (R. H. Darwall-Smith, Charlett, Arthur (16551722), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/5158, accessed 1 June 2011]).

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