Letter 1191

Jean Rodolphe Lavater to Hans Sloane – January 10, 1708

Item info

Date: January 10, 1708
Author: Jean Rodolphe Lavater
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4041
Folio: ff. 85-86

Original Page


Lavater asks for assistance with ‘the Will in which my Dear Wife was mentioned’. The booksellers have almost finished printing a number of books and would like to add Sloane’s ‘Comontanum Practicum’ to make a set. He will send the catalogue for the Chevalier Marchand’s library soon. Jean Rodolphe Lavater was a Swiss physician and naturalist educated in Zurich. He travelled to England in 1704-05 and became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1708 (‘Jean Rodolphe Lavater’, Library Collection, royalsociety.org).

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