Letter 1238

Patrick Blair to Hans Sloane – May 26, 1708

Item info

Date: May 26, 1708
Author: Patrick Blair
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4041
Folio: ff. 148-149

Original Page


[fol. 148] Sr I wrote to you on the 29 Aprile and sent you inclosed an coppy of the Tail [?] I have causd make of the Elephant. since I have got no return I begin to be apprehensive mine has miscarried because of the bulk and weight. Therefore I have giv’n you the trouble of these to know of your have received my Last. Since we are now planting a physick Garden here I am much importun’d about publishing my Botanick papers and therefore I must renew my request that you’l give yourself the trouble to concert measures with Mr [?] concerning the undertaking them I’m asham’d for the freedome I must use with you but I hope you’l excuse me and that you’l be so kind as to Let me have your commands with first conveniency I continue in all sincerity Your most devouted humble serv’t Pa: Blair Dundee May 26 1708

Patrick Blair was a botanist and surgeon whose papers were published in the Transactions. In 1715 Blair joined the Jacobite rebellion as a battle surgeon but was captured and condemned to death. He was visited by Sloane in prison in the hopes the latter might secure a pardon. Sloane was successful and the pardon arrived shortly before Blair’s scheduled execution (Anita Guerrini, Blair, Patrick (c.16801728), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/2568, accessed 31 May 2011]).

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