Letter 1547

Charles Seward to Hans Sloane – October 29, 1706

Item info

Date: October 29, 1706
Author: Charles Seward
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4040
Folio: ff. 243-244

Original Page


[fol. 244] Kensington. October: 29th. 1706. Sr. Enquiring at Camden-House, whether it was to be lett, & if so, by whom, I was informd, that the Person, who disposes of it, is Mr. Bertie, an Inhabitant, when at home, in Newport street, he is at present in the Country, but this return thence will be speedily, perhaps to morrow. The yearly Rent paid by the Countess of Burlington was 100tt. The House, as i am assur’d by the keeper thereof, is in good repair, but the Garden much out of Order for want of weeding, & better looking to. I know but of two Houses more that are any thing large, & those in the Square, the one lately inhabited by the Lady Beeston, in which you have often been, & the other by Mr. Bull a Merchant, being the Corner house over against Mr. Weargs, The Rent of the former is 70tt per Ann: & of the latter about 60tt. This is the best account I am able to give you at present; if you think me capable of being serviceable to you in anything further, you may freely command the service of Sr. Your real friend, & faithfull serv’t Charles Seward

Charles Seward (d.1716), clerk of Kensington. (Thomas Faulkner & B. West, History and Antiquities of Kensington, London: 1820, pp. 274).

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