Letter 1578

Johann Philipp Breyne to Hans Sloane – October 19, 1712

Item info

Date: October 19, 1712
Author: Johann Philipp Breyne
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4043
Folio: ff. 98-99

Original Page


Breyne thanks Sloane for the gift of his Jamaican treatise and sending the 1710 issue of the Philosophical Transactions. He sends some botanical specimens through Petiver and will forward a catalogue of plants near Turku, Finland as soon as possible. Breyne includes an account of the 1709 plague in Danzig, published as Phil. Trans. 1712, 28:101-144. He encloses letters from a relation of his, George Paip, about experiments with stones from Hungary. The Royal Society may request more information if it is interested. Breyne asks Sloane to receive his friend, Remur, and offers to meet anyone Sloane recommends in return. Johann Philipp Breyne (1680-1764) was a German botanist, zoologist, and entomologist known primarily for his work on the Polish cochineal, or Porphyrophora polonica, used in red dye production. He became a fellow of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in 1715 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Philipp_Breyne).

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