Letter 1640

William Musgrave Sr. to Hans Sloane – November 3, 1709

Item info

Date: November 3, 1709
Author: William Musgrave Sr.
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4042
Folio: ff. 63-64

Original Page


Musgrave assures Sloane that the book he lent will be returned by winter or Lent at the latest. He is delayed because his nephew is reading it. William Musgrave, Senior was a physician, antiquary, and Fellow of the Royal Society. He acted as second secretary to the Royal Society and edited several volumes of the Philosophical Transactions (Alick Cameron, Musgrave, William (16551721), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/19668, accessed 8 July 2013]).

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: Mrs. Lucy L.
    Age:She is 'about Twenty'.
  • Description

    Lucy suffers from excessive vomiting, often with blood in it, a growth in the breast, and problems with her throat. Her vomiting is often accompanied by coughing.

  • Diagnosis

    Musgrave notes that 'it appeard That the stomach suffered from foul acid matter lodgd in it'. The frequency of blood in the vomit leads him to keep his distance from her. 'Bloody Matter washt her stomach' and she appears to benefit from it, or at least is not harmed by it.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    Her breast appears to have been cut, which led to a loss of blood. Her vomit contains a 'red fleshy substance' of about '3 or 4 ounces'.

    Ongoing Treatment:

    Musgrave wants to know what Sloane thinks should be done with the young woman.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Stomach, Throat, Coughs, Cancer, Breasts, Blood, Vomiting