Letter 1695

Anne Hamilton to Hans Sloane – September 4, 1710

Item info

Date: September 4, 1710
Author: Anne Hamilton
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4042
Folio: ff. 173-174

Original Page


[fol. 174] Sep 4 1710 Sr I have followed your directions for a fort[night] bless God I have had no return of the Cramp but the […] after I was bleed I found a numness in both my armes which wins of with a pricking as when ones foot is asleep Since that night I have feelt nothing of that kind but a runing pain some times in one shoulder some times in another and a tingling or pricking though my venus and a weakness and a in my Armes and legs but that which is most uneasy to me is the hot flushing which comes often in the day and is so violent when I got to Bed I can get very little sleep when I doe slumber make in a sweat all over my face and head this day I find such a disorder in my head a straitnes as if I was found about that I resolve to Blister this night if you think the Bath waters proper the reason for drinking is not over I shall be glad to hear from you next post God […] all the young ones are with my service […] Your Lady your humble servt A Hamilton

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