Letter 1984

John Greenfield/Groenveldt to Hans Sloane – September 29, 1714

Item info

Date: September 29, 1714
Author: John Greenfield/Groenveldt
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4043
Folio: ff. 299-300

Original Page


[fol. 300] worthy Dr. your former favours gives me encouragement, to make my application to you once more: I presume that you know, that i was forced to come out by ye Act, and since that, i have taken a little house in St Jonahs, part whereof i have lett to so good an advantage, that (that being joined with my small practice) encouraged me to hope i shall gett before hands in ye worth. Could i but taise a small sum of money to pay ye charges that i was at in going to ye house! I begg pardon for this liberty, but hope it will be ye last time that i shall have occasion that i am forced to make such a request: I shall for ever own ye great obligations You have all ready laid upon Good Dr Your obliged humble servt. to Command jn’o: Greenveldt The Gentleman that brings this letter is my particular friend. Sept: 29th. 1714.

John Groenveldt (bap.1648 d.1715/16) alias Greenfield, was a physician and surgeon. He began studying medicine at the University of Leiden and finished his degree at Utrect in 1670. Greenfield joined the Colegium Medicum and had a successful medical practice with partner Henricus Velthuys in Amsterdam where they provided surgical and medical services as well as administered medicines. He moved to London and joined the Royal College of Physicians in 1683. He fought censors and several law cases over some of his medicines which caused his practice to decline in the early 1700s. (Harold J. Cook, “Groenevelt, Joannes (bap. 1648, d. 1715/16)”, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography).

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