Letter 2051

John Robethon to Hans Sloane – November 9, 1715

Item info

Date: November 9, 1715
Author: John Robethon
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4044
Folio: ff. 106-107

Original Page


[fol. 106] St. James Nove the 9th 1715 Sir Give me leave, though unknown to you, to present you with two printed papers, which Mr. l’abbe du Gaute-feuille hath sent me from Orleans. He desireth of all things to be Member of your Royal Society, as you shall see by his letter to me, which goes here inclosed. I desired [?] to propose it to yr assembly, which he hath assured me to have done, and hath given me some hopes that it would be granted, But I have heard nothing of it those months. You shall very much oblige me if you will doe so much as to let me know by a penny post letter, wether that abbot may entertain any hopes or not, that I may send him a cathegorical answer. I take this opportunity to return you my most humble thancks for your civilities to my wife, when she had the honour to [fol. 107] dine att your house with the Countess of Bickburg. I hope you will excuse my broken English, and beleave that I am with respect Sir Your most obedient humble servant J Robethon

John Robethon, of French origin, was the personal secretary of George I (Matthew Kilburn, Robethon, John (d. 1722), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2009 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/23821, accessed 27 June 2011]).

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