Letter 2062

John Morton to Hans Sloane – January 16, 1715/16

Item info

Date: January 16, 1715/16
Author: John Morton
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4044
Folio: ff. 127-128

Original Page


John Morton was a naturalist who was in correspondence with Sloane from roughly 1703 to 1716. Morton contributed nearly one thousand specimens (fossils, shells, bones, teeth, minerals, rocks, man-made artifacts, etc.) to Sloane’s collection (Yolanda Foote, Morton, John (16711726), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2010 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/19364, accessed 2 July 2013]).

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A Unnamed Clergyman
    Age:'50 years of age'.
  • Description

    'A melancholy distemper seiz'd him soon after the Death of a beloved child'. The man is physically healthy in every respect, but is somber and speaks little. He experiences mild bouts of confusion, restlessness, and 'a free Discharge of wind, as [...] upon having a stool'.

  • Diagnosis

    Morton does not know what to do and asks Sloane to provide some recommendations.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:
    Ongoing Treatment:
  • More information
  • Medical problem reference