Letter 2516

John Wynter to Hans Sloane – October 28, 1721

Item info

Date: October 28, 1721
Author: John Wynter
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4046
Folio: ff. 142-143

Original Page


[fol. 142] Honed. Sir. I have the Honour of your very kind Letter of ye 19th. I thank you extreamly for your Friendship: since ye favour of yours I have one from Mr. Molyneux wch brings me His Graces Comands to repair to London as soon as I can conveniently, wch. will prevent me obeying your Directions in relation to sending a Catalogue, but will endeavour to find so much time as to bring it finish’d with me. I am very sensible of ye great Humanity you please to treat me with, and shall always be happy in shewing myself Hon.ed Sir Your most oblig’d humble servant John Wynter Oct ye 28 1721

John Wynter was the Duke of Portland’s physician.

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