Letter 2537

Philip Rose to Hans Sloane – January 8, 1721/22

Item info

Date: January 8, 1721/22
Author: Philip Rose
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4046
Folio: ff. 175-176

Original Page


[fol. 175] hon.ble S.r This day I was to wait on you, between nine and ten in the Morning, and I understood that you went out at eight. Since that I called between Eleven and twelve at old Man’s; where about Eleven you did call, before I came. I had been glad to have had a short conference with you, but for this time I am disapointed; however S.r I hope I am not out of yr Thoughe, and though the Common Report maketh The Contagion Bill somewhat severe, I am resolved to submit to what Regulations, The King and parliament, or King and Council, with The wise advice of y.r self and other select physicians, shall determine Mrs. Wagener who liveth in Jermyn Street, over against Berry or Duke street end S.t James, is the patient who produced that Fungous excrescence you have by you. She hath one son, viz. Colonel Lloyd of The Guards. what I set down in this Letter is not to publish her name to the world; but onely to intimate, that That Gentlewoman, will at any time when the Question is asked by a Physician, confirme what I have printed, or written upon the Labels relating to her case. This S.r I hope will be fully satisfactory to you, as to the Truth and Genuiness of That product, and the person from whom it came. S.r Hans I wish you and y.r Lady and good Family, a happy new year and a numerous repitition of The Like, being with all due Respect Hon.ble S.r y.r Faithfull and most obedient servant Phil. Rose. Jan. 8. 1721/2

Philip Rose was admitted a Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians in 1691. In 1728 he was forgiven 12 pounds owed to the College (http://munksroll.rcplondon.ac.uk/Biography/Details/3854).

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