Letter 2596

A. Moore to Hans Sloane – June 3, 1720

Item info

Date: June 3, 1720
Author: A. Moore
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: f. 84

Original Page


Fol. 84 I thank God, by yr good advice I am recover’d of my late complaint, but con’t still very weak; and should be glad if you cou’d think of anything that wou’d give me strength for in the condition I am in am a burden to my self, for I gett very little rest and when I do, it doth not refresh me, I have a little stomach, but am afraid what I eat doth not turn to nourishment, for if it did, I think I shou’d grow stronger. I believe I shall not be well till I take steel again, but whether that is proper, must be left to yr better judgement, I shou’d be glad to see you when you have time to come so far, and though ’tis impossible for me ever to return the favour I ask, or those I have received, I desire you to believe, they shall allways be gratefully acknowledg’d by…

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