Letter 2616

John Napper to Hans Sloane – October 30, 1724

Item info

Date: October 30, 1724
Author: John Napper
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: f. 139

Original Page


Fol. 139 I am favoured with your friendly advice and letter sent me by Mr Wayte, as also the spaw water and 2 papers of ingredients for tea, which I make use of according to your prescription. But since I sent my case to Mr Conduitt my distemper has prov’d quite another thing, that is, the stone in my kidnies, one of a considerable biggnesse has come away both before and since I have been in a perfect Rack and pine away most miserable, being full of pains all over my Body and Back tormented with wind I am perpetual vomiting so that nothing will agree or digest in my stomach, besides my urine is red with a great settlement of Blood like slyme and very little sand. No rest can I gett att night, having a great palpitation of my heart with a drought and weakness of spirits. I should gladly have more relief from these things, otherwise I can’t think of subsisting, being extremely reduced for want of victuals and rest at night. Your further assistance and speedy assistance is humbly desired.

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