Letter 2627

Paul Lorrain to Hans Sloane – May 6, 1709

Item info

Date: May 6, 1709
Author: Paul Lorrain
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: f. 38

Original Page


Honred. Next to my most humble & hearty Thanks to you for your great Care of, & trouble you are pleas’d so kindly to take about my poor Wife, give me leave to acquaint you, that she has taken twice ye last Potion you have prescribed for her, viz. that made of Cort. Peru, aq: Cer: nig &c But has forborn to take more till your farther Advice be know (wch, If you think fit I pray […] will send, without further trouble to your self) […..] her Feaver, is abated & her Fits have not [……..] since her last taking it; but chiefly because [……] menstrua are now come upon her. I am Hon’d Sir, Yor most humble & most obliged servt Paul Lorrain Frid. noon May 6 1709

Large tear on bottom left hand. Lovely note after address, ‘with care’.

Patient Details