Letter 2630

Christian Lyttelton to Hans Sloane – August 24, n.d.

Item info

Date: August 24, n.d.
Author: Christian Lyttelton
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: ff. 63-64

Original Page


(f. 63) Sr I desire your opinion concerning the Bath wch Ive a mind to try this Season–I have bin much troubled with the Cholick I had last week a bad Fitt of it, (wch I will give you an acct of that you may judge ye bettr of my Case) it begun with somthing of the ripe, I took Diuscordium & Gasgn Puder which bound it up, & all Night I was in pain & had neither purging nor vomit but was reliev’d with Barth Water I’ve taken since Rhub an Laudanum wch has made me bettr but not quite free from pain and my Stomach I find is weaken’d tho my appetite is good again I try’d bath water abt ten days six weeks ago and they agreed very well with me but I got Cold (nursing my Children that were Innoculated) and I had a Fever with stiches & sore throat that shew’d my blood was much inflam’d last Ktmas (f. 63v) I had a Fever and ever since I’ve often feverish disorders in the Spring I had Pains all over me and especialy a violent pain in my Knees that held me above two Months ye Doct said it was occasiond by the Fever & I had very often a little purging upon me without being sick as or in pain wch I thought did me rather good then harm whether that was from ye fever ferment or somthing of the Cholick I dont know I’ve bin well of the Flux since the last Fever till this fitt of the Cholick I try’d abt a Pint of bath water since ye fever and it agreed with me my Phisician here thinks ye Bath woud be of great service for me for my Cholick but fears ye Journet and ye Water may be hurtfull to me in relation to my Fever and may occasion a return of it (f. 64) or induce a Hectick but I tell Doctor Grisham I think both my Fever and Cholick proceeds from a weakness in my Stomach and the bath may strengthen me & do good for both. we desire your determination and if you please to communicate your opinion to Doctor Grisham but directd to me I am good Sr Hans your affnate humbl Servant C Lyttelton pray direct to Sr Tho: Lyttelton at Hagley near Sturbridge August ye 24th I am pretty well now the Monthly Time

Postmarked Birm. Intact red seal. Reference to children being inoculated and needing nursing.

Christian Lyttelton was the daughter of Sir Thomas Lyttelton, 4th Bt. and Christian Temple. She married Thomas Pitt, son of Robert Pitt, and her married name became Pitt (G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume II, page 504).

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: Lady Lyttelton
    Age:Young enough to have regular menstruation.
  • Description

    Suffering from fits of colic and weak stomach. Good appetite. Around Christmas, had a fever, stitches and sore throat, which she attributed to inflamed blood. Ongoing pains, especially in the knees.

  • Diagnosis

    Sloane wrote at the top: aq. Bathon. venesect.

  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    Previously tried Bath water for ten days, about six weeks previously.

    Ongoing Treatment:

    Sometimes has purging. Tried drinking some Bath water.


    Taking the waters previously agreed with her, but she has had feverish disorders since the spring. Her knees had been aching for the last couple months, which her doctor thought was from the fever.

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Colics, Fevers, Pain