Letter 2662

Charles Bennet, Earl of Tankerville to Hans Sloane – n.d.

Item info

Date: n.d.
Author: Charles Bennet, Earl of Tankerville
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: f. 191

Original Page


Fol. 191 [father’s sudden change, please come] [P.S.] My Lord is lethargick and a high fever upon him. Lord and Lady Lymington are here with me and our concerns are inexpressible.

This letter is written by either Charles Bennet, 1st Earl of Tankerville (1674-1722), Charles Bennet, 2nd Earl of Tankerville (1697-1753), or Charles Bennet, 3rd Earl of Tankerville (1716-1767) depending on the date. The same goes for the patient.

Patient Details