Letter 2683

Richard Morton Jr. to Hans Sloane – n.d. [1696]

Item info

Date: n.d. [1696]
Author: Richard Morton Jr.
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4076
Folio: f. 275

Original Page


(f. 275) Tuwsday night nine a clock Sir Ever since my wife let blood she has every morning had somthing of a loosenes upon her, which being verry contrary to other times, she dos not know whither yow’l under this circumstance, allow her to begin with her spaw water or enter on an other method. I am (f. 285v) unwilling to loose any time, and shall not be easy till I have receved your directions, soe intreat you to call tomorrow morning by nine of ye clock or sooner at my house in Albemarle Street I am Sir your most humble servant Mortmore

Richard Morton Jr. (1668/9-1730) was a physician. He was admitted to the Royal College of Physicians in 1695 ann worked at Greenwich Hospital from 1716 (Stephen Wright, ‘Morton, Richard (bap. 1637, d. 1698)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/19369, accessed 24 July 2014]).

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