Letter 2733

William Derham to Hans Sloane – June 29 17[?]

Item info

Date: June 29 17[?]
Author: William Derham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4058
Folio: ff. 230-231

Original Page


Fol. 231 [Not Dated] Sr Upminster Jun: 29. 17 Hearing of Mr Hunts death, & yt Mr Sa- nex ye Globe-maker hath a mind to his place, I cannot forbear ( wthout any sollicitation or knowledge of seruppes [?]) to say to you, That I know no man about Town fitter for the place, he being an in- genious diligent man, & delighting in things of yt nature, besides (if I mistake not) he designs & engraves pretty well. I am really sorry to hear of Mr Hunts death before he had instructed any body in the Reposito- ry affairs, I wish it be not fatal to yt collection, & yt the Soc. hath not cause to repent their not prosecuting what I suggested long since to them, both in Council when I had the honr of being a mem ber of it, & since also as well as in Lrs to your self, & some other leading Members. I beg yr pardon for these suggestions I trouble you with, wch my hearty love to, & concern for the honr & good of our most famous Soc. have entrusted from Sr Your much obliged & affectionate humble servant Wm Derham Altho the occasion be of great consequence, I had like to have forgotten to desire the favour of yr advice for my Son. About a 4tnight since he was taken, wch a great pain in his Breast, Feaverish, & a short Cough wch we took to Pleuretick: for wch they blooded him, his blood being a little fizy: upon wch he was somewhat relieved. His large continuing I had him home, & find him faint, weak, under a great loss of appetite, & his Tongue somewhat whitish, but his Pulse low. The pain is now not great, but wt is, remaineth at ye upper part of his Belly a little above ye Navel His Cough is also but smal now. I fancy him worse some part of ye day than others. He was vomited a week agoe wth Icapecuana wch brough up much ropy fibre, & purged last Saturday wth Cale- mel & Pulo: Carnachini, wch have somewhat relieved him; but he continues drooping, & under a loss of appetite, if not wth a little feavour dodging about him. About a 4night before his pleu- retick case he was kicked up at Foot-ball, & had a violent fall on his Breast, wch pained him afterwards, but not long nor much he saith. We apprehended Worms, & gave Calomel for yt reason, but we never saw any come from him. My Wife (wth her humble service & thanks to you) joyns with me in ear- nestly desiring your advice when his case: & if your leisure will permit, your speedy answer will much add to ye favour.

Derham was a Church of England clergyman and a natural philosopher, interested in nature, mathematics, and philosophy. He frequently requested medical advice from Sloane, and likely served as a physician to his family and parishioners (Marja Smolenaars, Derham, William (16571735), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/7528, accessed 7 June 2011]).

Patient Details

  • Patient info
    Name: N/A William Derham Jr.
  • Description

    Chest pain, fever, cough, pleurisy, low pulse

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
    Previous Treatment:

    He was bled, vomited, given "Icapecuana" and "Calemel & Pulo: Carnachini"

    Ongoing Treatment:

    The treatment gave Derham Jr. some relief. Later, while playing football, Derham Jr. was seized by a sever chest pain. He was then diagnosed with worms and given "Calomel", but to no effect. William Derham requests Sloane's advice

  • More information
  • Medical problem reference
    Pulse, Pleurisy, Fevers, Coughs, Pain