Letter 2823

Edward Hancocke to Hans Sloane – June 18, 1703

Item info

Date: June 18, 1703
Author: Edward Hancocke
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4039
Folio: f. 150

Original Page


Fol. 150 From on Board the Richardson Gally Riding in dirty mouth bay nere Dartmoth June the 18th 1703 I was honoured with yours on ye 13th Instant; we tailed abought 2 howers after I had reced yours; so Could not possibely writ to you befor now; I most humbly thank you for your Good wishes; for my helth and Prosperity. I hartily wish you the like: I must Confess tis your skill & ingenious selfe yt my life and helth are Debters: I shall be sure to follow your directions for ye presarving of my helth; and in every thing else that I Can be sarvisable to you in ye Country whare I am Goeing you freely Command; & you will … much obleige him who is. Your Mos affectionate friend & humble sarvant Ed: Hancocke

Hancocke puts himself at Sloane’s service.

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