Letter 2921

Timothy Harris to Hans Sloane – April 17, 1723

Item info

Date: April 17, 1723
Author: Timothy Harris
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4046
Folio: ff. 343-344

Original Page


Harris asks for Sloane’s help, as he is imprisoned for ‘A small Debt’. He writes that they used to know each other when Harris lived on Ormond Street. He includes an Indian ‘Pastoral’ in the hopes it might interest Sloane. Harris was in India and claims he learned ‘some of these Notions of the Indians’. He would like to publish his observations. The debt is ‘but seven pounds & nine shillings’ owed ‘for one of my Childrens Board of Education’. Harris used to live comfortably, but has fell upon hard times. He will send a messenger to collect Sloane’s answer tomorrow. Timothy Harris was Keeper of the Coffee House in Ormond Street, London.

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