Letter 2929

Thomas Ekhines to Lord Carthwraight – May 20, 1723

Item info

Date: May 20, 1723
Author: Thomas Ekhines
Recipient: Lord Carthwraight

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4046
Folio: ff. 356-357

Original Page


Ekhines reports that the Duke of Montague had to pay French authorities in St Lucia and St Vincent. The fort at St Lucia is said to be a good one. It is within sight of Barbados and will soon be ‘filled with French’ troops. Ekhines heard that the King has refused to allow sugar plantations on Tobago. There have been problems with French and Spanish ships in the Caribbean. He writes of the competitiveness of the sugar trade. Ekhines requests a fort and troops for Barbados.

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