Letter 3046

Ambrose Godfrey Sr. to Hans Sloane – July 7, 1724

Item info

Date: July 7, 1724
Author: Ambrose Godfrey Sr.
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4047
Folio: ff. 196-197

Original Page


[fol. 197] The 7. july 1724. Sr Hans much Hon’d sir i have a request to you, which mightly affects my mind, w’ch is not very proper for me at present & more than I can bare. The Barer Mr. steiger an old acquaintance, by his call an Engraver of seales, whoes Wifes Brother had lost his understanding, would willingly make interest with ye Phisicion of Bethlem by y’r meanes to get him in there, but he refuses it, alledging that there is no roome. Now a line or Two from you S’r Hans might moove him perhaps to make roome. He has been already ones before in Bedlem & was send out as cured. But being now as bad as ever & Threatning to stab them, haveing done already very dangerous thing, it would be great charity good S’r if you could be instrumentall to get him in again, the dangerous prancks he has played will else be the ruin of my friend who has already the Burthen & care of 3. of this mad mans children upon his back. Mr. steigers Wife & this mad brother are acquaintences of mine near 40. years standing having served their father as chymist when they ware children, & that Care & Tenderness we received from each other then remains still & i am deeply concerned for them, & as we are not born for our selfs, but for each others use and helpe, obleedges me to trouble you with this, it would be as much satisfaction to me see their request fulefilled, as if they ware relations of my own, ye crazey man has ben a man of much credit & served all the offices in ye parish of Gracion’s street. Now i am S’r Hans in good hopes that my address to you will be service to my afflicted friends. God Bless you doe it S’r it is a charitable deed. God will reward you for it & in requitale S’r Hans, if I can be servisable to you again in what you command me, i shale punctually obey as much as is possibill, wishing you Heath [sic] & prosperity is the Prayer of S’r y’r mosth: serv:to serve you. Ambrose Godfrey

Ambrose Godfrey Sr. (1660-1741) was a chemist. He was first employed by Robert Boyle and went on to work at Apothecaries’ Hall. Godfrey analyzed the chemical properties of stones, waters, and other materials for Hans Sloane and the Royal Society. His work was published in the Philosophical Transactions from 1731 to 1736 (Lawrence M. Principe, Godfrey, Ambrose, the elder (16601741), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/10865, accessed 14 Aug 2013]).

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