Letter 3140

Mark Catesby to Hans Sloane – January 5, 1725

Item info

Date: January 5, 1725
Author: Mark Catesby
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4047
Folio: ff. 307-308

Original Page


[fol. 307] Carolina Jan 5th 1724/5 Honble Sr By Capt Martin in the Blandford Man of War who saild from hence 20 August last I sent you a Box of dryed plants. Nov: 27th Capt Easton in the Neptune I sent another Box with dryed plants an Indian Apron made of Bark &c with letters of advice. I am Sr preparing to goe to the Bahama Islands to make a further progress in what I am about. This will add another year to my continuance in America. And tho’ I doe not expect a continuance of my full subscriptions yet I hope partly by you interest and continuance of your Favours, I may expect the greater part of it. This will protract my proposed Mexico expedition, which I some time since wrote to you concerning, for your advice and approbation I promise my self great variety of shells and and [sic] animals not to be found here. Whatever commands Sr you’l plans to Honour me with, please to direct to Carolina and I shall have them conveyed to me our Governor (from whome I have received all imaginable kindness in returning home in about 6 weeks. I have now nothing more to add than that I am Sr with the greatest respect your most faithful Humble servt M Catesby

Mark Catesby was a naturalist, influenced by John Ray and Samuel Dale. In 1712 he went to Virginia and collected botanical specimens, gaining the attention of Dr Sherard and Sloane upon his return in 1719. In 1725 he explored the Bahamas and published his ‘The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands’ a year later (F. Nigel Hepper, Catesby, Mark (16831749), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Sept 2012 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/4882, accessed 23 July 2013]).

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