Letter 3147

Isaac Fawkes to Hans Sloane – February 22, 1724/25

Item info

Date: February 22, 1724/25
Author: Isaac Fawkes
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4047
Folio: ff. 319-320

Original Page


Elizabeth French was born at Tenterden in Kent. She had a horn-like growth at the back of her head ten inches long and several smaller stumps. The horn was not attached to her skull and caused pain if pressure was applied. She was hired by a Mr Fauks for a number of years until she broke her horn, which was bought by Sir Hans Sloane. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London.

        [fol. 319r]       Sr Finding you to be a Gentleman that is a great Lover of Curiosities make bold to Acquaint you that I think I may boldly say I have ye greatest Rarity that perhaps was ever seen it is a Woman who hath a Natural Horn of Ten Inches long growing out of ye Back part of he Head it is curled & twisted exactly like a Sheeps Horn & of a yellowish Colour growing out of a Bunch like a Wen of which there are several more on her Head but what they may produce we cannot as yet Determine. If your Worship is pleas’d to view her I will do my self the Honour to wait on you when & where you shall please to appoint

she having not yet been Publickly seen

I am Sr with all Respect your most Obedient servt Isaack Fawks

Feb. 22, 1724-5.


Above is a report in the Newcastle Courant (Saturday, 6 March 1725) of Elizabeth French being displayed by Isaac Fawkes (p. 8).

Hans Sloane later bought Elizabeth French’s horn. It is catalogued as item 519 in his Catalogue Humana (Natural History Museum, Fossils 1, fol. 344r).

The horn of Mrs French who lived near Tenterden was 52 years of Age, when it began to grow 48 wt her catamenia regular, it was crooked hard, & of the shape of a rams horn 10 inches long, & tapering it grew on a round wenn as bigg as a walnutt, in wch when by accident it was beat of it left a cavity ¾ of an inch deep, the thick end had a cavity in it ¾ of an inch deep & was otherways all solid.

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