Letter 3271

Sauveur-François Morand to Hans Sloane – June 17, 1726

Item info

Date: June 17, 1726
Author: Sauveur-François Morand
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4048
Folio: ff. 166-167

Original Page


Sloane had asked Morand to find miniatures for sale. He has found some for ‘3 pistoles ou 30 francs’ each. Another set of 700 is for sale at ’45 francs la piece’. He discusses how they can be purchased. Sauveur-Francois Morand (1697-1773) was a French surgeon and son of John Morand, surgeon at the Hotel des Invalides. Morand was admitted as a surgeon at the Hotel des Invalides in 1724 at the age of 15. He became a Fellow of the Academie des sciences in 1722, Chief Surgeon of the Hospital of Charity in 1730, and Chief Surgeon of the French Guards in 1739. Morand published several texts on anatomy and surgery (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauveur-Francois_Morand).

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