Letter 3465

Christian Friedrich Weichmann to Hans Sloane – June 1, 1728

Item info

Date: June 1, 1728
Author: Christian Friedrich Weichmann
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4049
Folio: f. 178

Original Page


[fol. 178] Sir, As Mr. derham has done me the honour to write to you in my Behalf I take the liberty to inquire by this about what an Hour I may have leave to wait upon you, and at the same Time to make a small Present to the Royal Society’s Library of the first Volume of a Book of mine, being an Imitation of your famous Spectator and Guardian and of a Medal coin’d in honour of the same Book, whose Title Page shows the draft of it. I shall not fail, to send the others two Volumes belonging to it as soon as the [sic] come from the Press, and take leave to assure you, that I am and ever shall be with all Respect imaginable Sir, Your most humble and most obedient servant, CF Weichmann London, June 1 1728.

Christian Friedrich Weichmann (1698-1770) was a German jurist, poet, and journalist. He received his BCL at Oxford and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society during a visit to England in 1728. Weichmann was a Privy Councillor to the Duke of Brunswick-Lüneberg (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Friedrich_Weichmann).

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