Letter 3525

T. Gordon to Hans Sloane – November 29, 1728

Item info

Date: November 29, 1728
Author: T. Gordon
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4050
Folio: ff. 10-11

Original Page


[fol. 10] Sr I find that Mr Anniley’s project for ascertaining the longitude at sea, is to be examin’d before you in the society to morrow. I know your candour and patience too well to desire that that examination may be fair and thoroughly made: I only write this to apprize you that he apprehends Dr Hally to be peevish & even prejudiced towards him: I hope he is mistaken, but beg you Sr as he is well recommended to me, to shew him all the friendship you can. I am with sincere truth and respect Sr your most obedt very humble servt TGordon Grays Inn 9br 29th 1728

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