Letter 3633

Charles Lennox, 2nd Duke of Richmond and Lennox to Hans Sloane – July 9, 1729

Item info

Date: July 9, 1729
Author: Charles Lennox, 2nd Duke of Richmond and Lennox
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4050
Folio: ff. 151-152

Original Page


[fol. 151] Paris Saturday July 9th NS Dear Sir, Enclos’d is a copy of the account of the opening of the poor Child that I lost some time ago, with the opinion of the Physicians upon it, sign’d by Drs Chirac, & Lidderdale, & Mr Petit the Chirurgeon which I beg you would peruse for it may be of great consequence to the poor little remainder of my familly hereafter; & without compliment or flattery. I must say that I have a much greater regard for your opinion in such a case, than for any other mans living there is also enclos’d an account by Dr Lidderdale & of my Daughter Caroline’s health, therefore when you have examin’d the whole, I must beg of you to send me your opinion upon it, & whether you approve of the prescriptions lay’d down by these gentlemen for Carolina she is undoubtedly vastly better in every respect insomuch that in all outward appearance, she seems perfectly well but still precautions ought certanly to be taken, against what may happen. she is in a steel diet which agrees very well with her, & she takes the air every day, & is in great spirits the hot weather agreeing very well with her. My Wife is very much recovered; so much that she intends going abroad to morrow, for the first time she has been able, since she has been in Paris she desires her humble service to you. I suppose you have already heard that my Lord & Lady Cadogan are safely arriv’d here they like the Town extreamly well hitherto, & you may [fol. 152] be sure my Wife & I shall do all wee can, to make & agreeable to them dureing their stay. I hop you receiv’d a letter some time ago from me with one enclos’d in it from Monsieur Dufay. I am sure when you know him you will say he is every way deserving of the honor the society has confer’d upon him; of which favour I assure you he is very sensible, as I suppose he has expres’d in his letter of thankes to you. If you have any commands in this country, I beg you would honor me with them; & they shall be most punctually obey’d, by, Dear Sr Hans, Your most faithfull humble servant, Richmond be pleas’d to direct to me, dans la rue des saints peres Fauxbourg St Germains a Paris

Charles Lennox (1701-1750), 2nd Duke of Richmond, 2nd Duke of Lennox, was a politician and sportsman. In 1724 he was appointed aide-de-camp to George I and later worked for George II. Lennox was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1724 (Timothy J. McCann, ‘Lennox, Charles, second duke of Richmond, second duke of Lennox, and duke of Aubigny in the French nobility (1701–1750)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/16450, accessed 13 Aug 2014]).

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