Letter 3791

John Cook to Hans Sloane – July 23, 1730

Item info

Date: July 23, 1730
Author: John Cook
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 76-77

Original Page


[fol. 76] Sr Your kind reception of my Book, and the trouble you was pleased to give your self in Writing a Letter to me, Which I esteem as a Great Favour, from a Person of so much Worth & so great a Character, make me think my self bound, both in Dutie and Gratitude, to return you my most Humble Thanks. In Respect of the R: Society, as you are pleased to encourage me with the hopes of your Favour I doubt not but Mr: Cheselden and some others will recommend me further to the Society If I may be so happie as to be admitted a Member of It, which I shall always endeavour to Oblidge with any thing which may be thought worthie of their Notice I make bold to lay before them some Thoughts concerning the Gut. Cæcum in a Foetus before Birth, which if the Society shall think worthie of a place in the Transactions It will be an encouragement to proceed further in Other matters which may fall in my way. I am Sr Your Most Humbl Obedient Sert John Cook Leigh in Essex July 23d 1730

John Cook was a physician.

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