Letter 3808

Thomas Dereham to Hans Sloane – September 9, 1730

Item info

Date: September 9, 1730
Author: Thomas Dereham
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: ff. 97-98

Original Page


[fol. 97] Sept. 9. 1730. N.S. Sir I am indebted to your Favours of ye 1st June, & 30th July last past, & would not have delaied if I had before now received from the virtuosi my correspondents any thing worth your notice. In the first place I am to thank you for having communicated unto the R.S. the severall papers I formerly sent over, & I have participated unto the respective Authors the obliging expressions of the Society to encourage them in there correspondence. You have been very kind in disposing so properly of the Chinese Chronological Tables unto Booksellers upon my account, & t’is equitable they have sixpence profit to themselves, since I am not answerable for there bad debtors as by agreement, so that I presume the money will come all in upon the filling up the Town again, & as it is paid you by retail you may consign it to Mr. Pucci with whom I have a current account. I am very sorry for the death of Dr. Rutty, & if upon the choice of a new secretary, any regard could be had unto Dr. Jurin who thought himself turned out for neglect with me, I should be glad to make him all due reparation. Mr. Zamboni has adress’d himself to me as from you for information about Dr. Jerome Giuntini of Florence his Nephew, who would fain be admitted as Member of the R.S., whereupon I promised to recommend him to your kindness, & patronage, butt that his works would be the properest means, which he has lately sent over for the perusal of the Society, so that if they be approved of, I can only add my feeble intercession, & assurance that he is a very studious gentleman, that will ever more desire such a distinction. I am in expectation of the Transactions you are pleased to promise me having unto No. 411 inclusive, & shall be very glad to see the curious observations you mention, & the new Books. I want a sett of Thermometers for a curious freind of mine of the make of John Fowler in swithins Alley near the Royall Exchange, such as mentioned Phil. Trans. No. 398 about Vegetable staticks by Stephen Hales B.D. FRS. which seem portable, & you may reimburs your self by ye above account, & send them for me with ye Papers &ca. [fol. 98] You will find enclosed a paper I lately received from Dr. Manfredi it being the only thing I have now by me to present unto the Society, butt shall not fail when any thing offers to forward it, & thereby prove with how much attention I glory in there service, as no less of being truely Sir You most Obedient, & most humble servant Thomas Dereham I hope the Armenian Dictionary has been agreeable to ye undertakers of the new impression &ca. Pray acquaint Dr. W. Derham that I have sent him by Mr. Walpole a copy of my Translation of his Astro-Theology, which he so impatiently expected, & I shall answer unto his letters as soone as I shall be furnished with any matter to entertain him, & make him my best compliments I add hereunto a letter that I just now receive from Marquis Poleni of Padua

Sir Thomas Dereham (c. 1678-1739) was a British expatriate and Roman Catholic who lived in Italy. He had a close association with the Royal Society (https://collections.royalsociety.org/DServe.exe?dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqCmd=Show.tcl&dsqDb=Persons&dsqPos=0&dsqSearch=%28Surname%3D%27dereham%27%29).

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