Letter 3823

Henry Barham Sr. to Hans Sloane – Dec 29, 1718

Item info

Date: Dec 29, 1718
Author: Henry Barham Sr.
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4045
Folio: f.140

Original Page


MS 4045 Fol. 140 Worthy Sr Last week I went into the Physick g(arden) to see what American seeds were comd up And out of th(e) (?) 80 seval sorts that I grow them to Plant I could n(ot) finds abound 33 or 4 which are as folloeth 1 First the Phaseolus Maximus perennis Semine compresso (crossed out x2) lato nigris maculis (crossed out) notato 2 Phaseolus maximus perennis Semine Compresse lato albo 3 Phaseolus perennis angustifolius flore lutso Semine lato com-presso minore rubro Maculis nigris notato 4 Phaseolus Major perennis floribus Spicatis Siliqua breviori rotundiore Semine albo Spherico 5 Phaseolus Maximus Perennis floribus Spicatis albis Spicatis siliquis brevibus latis semen album hilo albido fere circum(dante) 6 Phaseolus Syluesteris Minor flore sainino Siloguis longis stoe-sibus alba lanugine Hirfreti 7 Phaseolus orectus Major Siligue Sersh Semine rubro 8 Phaseolus Glyiyrrhizilis folio a lato pisso coccineo atre inacule notato 9 Luburnum Himilius Siligua inter giana of Giana junita Semine of culento 10 An Americal Votch 11 Urucu uel Arnosio 12 Coluten affinis frutico floribus Spicatis purpuraf(bolb)tibus Siliguis incusuis e ejus tineturn Indigo conpeitur 13 Trlose Impericlis Callod Caracoucha 14 Alwa neotosa Trisido India Arientalis 15 Alwa Hirsuts feava feare es Semine Mossihato 16 Alwa Maxima Malva rosea folio fructu dragons reste Crassione breviors esuolinte 17 Cassia minor fruiticosa hexaphylla Senu folus 18 Sennu Occidentalis Odore opis Virose Orobi pannonici folus mucronutis Glabin 19 Lena Spuria arborea Spinosa folus alatis ramasis seu decompositus 20 Sennu Minor hisbucia plorumgus hexa hylla folio Obtusa 21 Apocynum oroctum frutico flore lutso Maximo of Speciofissimo 22 Pomissera Seu potius prunisera Indica nuie ieniforni Suminis pomo imnasiente Casous Dicta 23 Alui fructu Marifolia arbor flore pentalo flavo uel Ced(ius) Spuria Jamaica Sibus nosstratibus dicta Fol 110v 24 Convulvilus Major hoptaphylles flore Sulphurei odorate Speciossimo 25 Convulvilus Major polyanthers Conyissime Catissime que repens floribus albis Minoribus Odoratis 26 Spanish Cololu wch Seems ^to be a large sort of an Amaranthes 27 Malo pumica affinis pmifora se uee gua audi 28 Ricinus Americanus Major coule virogeonte 29 Vessenaga or Spanish Tooth Pick 30 Variana Tobacco 31 Stramokin Corassavica Humilior 32 Stramokin altora major Siue Laturaquibusdam 33 Papaur Spinofum 34 Lobus Echiuatus fruitu flavo folio rodundioribus These seem to be in A Verdent Thriveing Condition But I Lostion not But if I had had a proyus Presw of ground to my self to have Planted those seeds ^in I should have had many more of them come up before Mow, For mr Wise Informed me that all except the Broad Dron of those Lords I Gave him (wch was a bout one hundred) obe come up at Hampton court & Thrives Wonderfully Well wch in a great Incouragement to get on to his Hins many of the American Plants that you have Writt off in your History of Jamaica may be Proprigated & brought to Persection in Great Brittain Worthy Sir you atented to me of some mistakes I had made in that lalo Treatise I Grow you to Read (wch I intend ro Call with your Leant Hotyus America-nus inedecinalis) I should be glad to be informed and I might safely doe it not having one of your Natural History of Jamaica by me (Leaving it in that Land of Jamaica) and Trust fo it youl doe me the Favour to lend me one; (if it is very in shet it will doe) & I will compare it more History wch will wonderfully Oblige your most Humble & trusted Servant to Command at all times Henry Barham Chelsea 29th Dbr 1718

Barham was a botanist, living in Jamaica who regularly corresponded with Sloane about the plant and animal life on the island. Parts of Barham’s letters to Sloane appeared in the latter’s “Natural History of Jamaica” (T. F. Henderson, Barham, Henry (1670?1726), rev. Anita McConnell, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/1374, accessed 13 June 2011]).

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