Letter 3839

Johann Georg Steigertahl to Hans Sloane – December 1, 1730

Item info

Date: December 1, 1730
Author: Johann Georg Steigertahl
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4051
Folio: f. 138

Original Page


Steigertahl thanks Sloane for the trouble he took in contenting Dr Kaempfer’s nephew. The latter wanted to published his uncle’s ‘Histoire du Japan’ in German. Steigertahl received the Philosophical Transactions and plans on sending some books with Mr Jäger or Dr Hampe. He encloses a list of the contents of the cabinet belonging to the late Abbé Schmidt, formerly a Professor at Helmstadt. Johann Georg Steigertahl (1666-1740) was the personal physician to George I of England. He was a member of the Royal Society and secured the purchase of Engelbert Kaempfer’s collection of East Asian curiosities for Sir Hans Sloane in 1723 (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Georg_Steigerthal).

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