Letter 3977

Godfrey Copley to Hans Sloane – July 7, 1694

Item info

Date: July 7, 1694
Author: Godfrey Copley
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4036
Folio: ff. 177-178

Original Page


Copley thanks Sloane for updating him on the activities of the Royal Society and asks for the latest Philosophical Transactions. He can be reached through ‘Mr John Marshall Barber in Doncaster’. A carrier at the Red Lion in Aldersgate services Doncaster. Copley is glad Mr Middleton and Mr Halley were back in England. A French man ‘takes ye best method for giving Nauseous Medicines’. Mr Kirk is investigating the method and Sir Robert Southwell is to test it. Copley asks Sloane to pass his best wishes on to ‘Sr J. Hoskins & Sr Rob: Southwell’. Sir Godfrey Copley was a politician and active member of the Royal Society. He was elected a Fellow of the latter in 1691 (C. I. McGrath, Copley, Sir Godfrey, second baronet (c.16531709), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/6269, accessed 24 June 2013]).

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