Letter 4057

Henry Compton to Albemarle – Sept. 25.

Item info

Date: Sept. 25.
Author: Henry Compton
Recipient: Albemarle

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 299-300

Original Page


Sept. 25. Madam I am an humble Petitioner to you, that when ye election of Harwich is decided, you would give my Lord Cheyne leave to take ye [Burrow?] in Cornwell for his option, & that you would give me leave to recomend another person to your fa=vour: Wer it upon my own account I should be ashamed to ask this: but it is for ye government & Churches sake that I beg it. For ye person I would have in will be of very great & im=portant use to serve both, & therefore I am sure you will pardon ye importunity of Madam Yor Grace’s most obedient & obliged Sevt: .. London

Compton asks the Duchess of Albemarle if she would grant Lord Cheyne leave after the election at Harwich is decided. Compton, Henry (1631/2-1713), bishop of London served in both military and ecclesiastical positions throughout his life. Compton was a strong anti-Catholic. (Andrew M. Coleby, ‘Compton, Henry (1631/2–1713)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/6032, accessed 23 June 2015])

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