Letter 4093

K Grevill to J. Petiver –

Item info

Author: K Grevill
Recipient: J. Petiver

Library: british Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 356

Original Page


Honoured Sr these are to let you see thro the ….ing the good effect of your medicas to my eye I can see to write tho not to [read?] which I could not do before I desire to know wether I shall for bear the ….g the pouder tell the wether be milder and my self farder Recovered and of drinking a small dish of Beho see now a[…] then will do my my eye any ha[…] I shall ad no more at present but [soe?] return my humble thanks remaining your ……er and Ingaged friend and .ar..n to command K Grevill

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