Letter 4094

Geo. Harbin to Pettiver – Monday [...]

Item info

Date: Monday [...]
Author: Geo. Harbin
Recipient: Pettiver

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 364

Original Page


Monday […] Sr My Lord Weymouth having paid his subscription money for yr books […] ..= [priosines?], desires you wd take care to supply him with them; he has only ye, 1st, 3d & 4th Decads & con- -sequently wants the 2d & 5th wth the Table. I desired Mr Hatton when he had an opportunity to speake […] you about ye matter, wch he assured me he did, that you promised to send them to me wthout delay; but having not yet recd. yt satisfaction … you, & ye time of our leaving this place now drawing on, I am obliged to put you in mind once more to send ye Decad wee want to me at the Ld Weymouth’s house on ye [1st?] Terrace in st James’s street. I am Sr Your humble servant Geo. Harbin

George Harbin writes to James Petiver asking him to send Lord Weymouth a list of books that he had previously requested. George Harbin (c. 1665-1744), was a nojuror and a historical writer. Harbin studied English History and genealogy, and became very knowledgeable in both areas. (John Findon, ‘Harbin, George (c.1665–1744)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/12231, accessed 15 July 2015])

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