Letter 4097

C: Hatton to Jame Pettifer –

Item info

Author: C: Hatton
Recipient: Jame Pettifer

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: ff. 369-370

Original Page


Doctor Sloane called upon me this morning telling me yt ye late apoth[e?] =cary to the charter House was dead and yt Mr Pettifer stands candidat to succeed him Hearing this you may be assured Sr I will to ye utmost of my power endeavou[r?] to serve you I was to waite on my lord Marquiss of Hallifax but he is gone to his house at Acton But I have writ to my Brother Hatton to engage my ld Nottingam to employ his interest wth him in yr behalf and I am sure ther can not be a more powerfull one and in ye interim I will and pray .. you makent other appliati =[on?] to him is possible as I shall not faile wth all possible diligence to severall of ye other governors for I doe not know a greater Benefac =tion can be done to ye Hospitall than brining Mr Pettifer to ye place now vacant ther I am Cordially and Sincerely yours C: Hatton

Charles Hatton writes to James Petiver regarding his candidacy for the position of apothecary at the Charter House. Charles Hatton was the son of Christopher Hatton, 1st Baron Hatton and brother of Christopher Hatton, 1st Viscount Hatton [Sir Bernard Burke, C.B. LL.D., A Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire, new edition (1883; reprint, Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1978), page 269]. Additional text appears on the back of Hatton’s letter, which is written in another individual’s hand – possibly Petiver’s. The author mentions a Mr. Nicholson and Mr. [Tooke?] along with a few others whose names cannot be accurately deciphered. In addition, the author makes mention of “2 coppies of ye Physitians Testimony” and “Mr Parrotts booke of ye Charter house” (Author’s hand writing is difficult to decipher)

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