Letter 4152

Thos. Ackres to Petiver – Wednesday 9 a Clock

Item info

Date: Wednesday 9 a Clock
Author: Thos. Ackres
Recipient: Petiver

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 248

Original Page


Sr. I was yesterday at yr. house to spake wth. you but you was not at home, about a little Buisness from Mr. London Concerning Mr. Jones Mr. London Designs to be at home all Day to Morrow himself If you Came this way he would gladly spake wth. you himself If he be not at home Isopose he will Leave his Buisness wth. Sr. yr. hu. Sert. Tho. Ackres No.1. Royall garden Wednesday 9 a clock

Thomas Ackres informs James Petiver that he came to see him yesterday but he was not at home. Ackres wished to speak with Petiver on behalf of Mr. London regarding Mr. Jones.

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