Letter 4157

Harman Verelst to Hans Sloane – February 13th 1733

Item info

Date: February 13th 1733
Author: Harman Verelst
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4053
Folio: f. 167

Original Page


Sloane MS 4053 f. 167r – f. 167v Letter 4157 To Sr Hans Sloane Bart Subscribers for improving Botany & Agriculture in Georgia Sr. Hans Sloane Bart______________20ibs a year for 3 years His Grace the Duke of Richmond____30 ibs. The Rt. Honble. The Earl of Derby_____50 ibs. Charles DuBois Esqr._______________10 ibs. James Oglethorpe Esqr.____________5 ibs. The Apothecary’s Company_________20 ibs. £135 Besides Ld. Petre___________________£50 Total £185 Short 15 of the 200 ibs a yr £200 Sir The above is the list I promised you, & Dr. Houstoun’s agreement was for 200 ibs a year for 3 years in full & to accept of Ld. Petre as Paymaster of 50 ibs a year of it, and whatever fall short of 600 ibs. for the 3 years to abate the Proportion in time for so much as should be short. I am Sir Yr most obedient servant Harman Verelst 13 Febry 1733 Mr Houstoun dyed 14 August 1733

Verelst sends Sloane the list of subscribers for improving Botany and Agriculture in Georgia he promised Sloane and Mr. Houstown. The agreement was for 20 pounds a year for 3 years and to accept Lord Petres as Paymaster. On the list is: Sr. Hans Sloane Bart., His Grace the Duke of Richland, The Right Honourable The Earl of Derby, Charles Dubois Esq., James Aglothorpes Esq., The Apothecary’s Company. Noted at the bottom is that Mr. Houstoan died 14 August /33.

Patient Details