Letter 4164

A: Ashe to Peter Barwick – Oct: 1...

Item info

Date: Oct: 1...
Author: A: Ashe
Recipient: Peter Barwick

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: MS 4066
Folio: f. 255

Original Page


Oct: 1… I send this to know yr finall Answer for if you refuse to swear [tellingly?] I will preferr a bill in Chancery against you & send you a sub para yt shall compell you to do it. How guilty must you appear yt decline swearing ye Truth of an Action you were Concernd in, you tell me I am discom= pos’d at being in ye [plais?] & dont reflect what yr own part is there he Calls you Dr Guiacum an opinionated Chimicall Dr a great pretender to cure Lunaticks & Claps, for (sayes he) this is a Dr. for ye purpose positive Ignorant & easie to be impos’d on one yt having a Long storm in his own pate solidly beleives he can cure it in other mens. He was first Apothecary of a phisick garden but hapning to cure ye son of a great statesman yt had crack’d his Brains with studying to out do his father in out witting ye french: Councills got Himselfe into mony & reputation & is now forsooth president of ye. Insanery. He has picturd you to like yt I am apt to think [Dursey?] & you very well acquainted & perhaps it was from you he had ye Relation of ye distration of Yr. Hu[le?]: sert: A: Ashe

Ann Ashe asks Dr. Barwick to give his final answer regarding an unspecified matter. Although the details of Ashe’s inquiry are not specified, her impatience regarding the matter is evident. Ashe discusses a man who was once an Apothecary of a Physick Garden but is now the president of an Insanery after he supposedly cured a statesman’s son who “crack’d his Brains with studying to out do his father in out witting ye French[.]”

Patient Details