Letter 4226

Henry Newman to Hans Sloane – 20th Nov.r 1734

Item info

Date: 20th Nov.r 1734
Author: Henry Newman
Recipient: Hans Sloane

Library: British Library, London
Manuscript: Sloane MS 4053
Folio: f. 320

Original Page


Sir The Society are very much oblig’d to you for the honour you did ’em yesterday, and for the Motion you was pleas’d to make in behalf of the Protestant Saltzburgers, according to which a Memorial to the late Earl of Thanet’s Trustees is here inclosed, with a Request that you would be pleas’d to recomend it as you have occasion to the Hon,ble Persons it is address’d to . I am Sir yo.r most Obedient humble Servant Henry Newman Bartlet’s Buildings 20th Nov.r 1734

Henry Newman (1670-1743) was Secretary for The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. He graduated BA and MA from Harvard, worked as a librarian, and entered the commercial fishing industry in Newfoundland until 1703 when he settled in England to work for the Society (Leonard W. Cowie, ‘Newman, Henry (1670–1743)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2009 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/39693, accessed 14 Aug 2015]).

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